
piles of tiles

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

so, back in september designboom had this big ol' 100% tile contest at the 100% design festival. and i'll have to admit most of the winners creeped me the heck out. i have a thing about weird textures....the winner was this weirdo drippy looking tile thing. very cool to some, very creepy to me. the last place i want something drippy looking is in the bathroom. i mean, can you imagine that icky drippy look combined with the potential for mold growth? germaphobe nightmare! plus, it totally looks like someone is trying to poke their finger through the other side of the tile! eeew! soooo gross.

however, there were some cool entries in the 2d category that i thought i'd post below. most notable: the cow parsely tiles by sour design. very hip. enjoy!

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
EWWWW! [le tile*100% tile comp) gross! i hate nubby fingery textures. it looks like udders. nasty.

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
YEAH! [cow parsley tiles*sour designs] i love this! hooray for non-offensive tile textures!

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
2D OR NOT 2D.. [w32*mno] i love this. mmmm...modularity

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