
that's right, i'm partisan

sinclair is an evil evil media institution that must be stopped. whether you lean left or right, you should be outraged at the company's (a company that owns over 60 stations nation-wide, several in key swing states) plans to preempt regular programming on all of its stations to air a blatantly anti-john kerry documentary. despite your own feelings on john kerry, it is flat out WRONG to air a blatantly partisan film like this and label it a "news-event" in order to get out of FCC regulations that demand equal time (i wouldn't mind it so much if they decided to show, say, fahrenheit 911 at the same time). it's disgusting. revolting. and downright WRONG.

josh marshall's blog has all the details on what you can do to stand up to evil evil sinclair media. first, do you live in a sinclair media zone? check here to see. if you do, or know someone who does, follow these steps: find the local advertisers on your sinclair station, write or call them and tell them you will no longer use their products, etc if they support this station's decision to air a blatantly partisan film.

speak up. make your voice heard and standards of decency enforced. boo sinclair!


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