
teensy pause in ladies' week...

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

i just wanted to take a quick time out and thank everyone for your comments and emails. hearing everyone's different opinions (especially you, miss r) on things i've written is great. thanks for keeping me on my toes and giving props where props are due (and rants where rants are due). my ideas are always changing and insight from different perspectives is always welcome. it's great to hear from students and designers alike- your thoughts mean a lot to me and i look forward to hearing more of them. i'm proud to flip and flop with the best of em (lookin at you kerry...) and i think having an open mind to new ideas and even upending some of your own firmly grounded opinions is the best way to be, so i look forward to comments, challenges, kudos and more from everyone. thanks again for stopping by and don't forget- got stuff you wanna see? more reviews? more pictures? lemme know! i'm always open to places, people and trends that i haven't caught onto yet).


Home Design Ideas and Alternative

and now...on to the ladies of tokion

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