
ils sont si bons

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

michael amzalag and mathias augustyniak make up m/m, an amazing graphic design and art direction firm based in paris. after meeting at an art school in france, michael and mathias formed m/m in 1995. from its conception, m/m has worked with some of the most innovative and experimental artists in both fashion and music .

i stumbled upon m/m after falling in love with their artwork for icelandic songstress, bjork. m/m created haunting visuals to accompany both the album and one of its singles, "hidden place". the way graphics and stunning photography intertwine in her album art is breathtakingly beautiful. images of swans and various flora float overtop of images of the already unusual looking singer, compounding both the album and singer's otherwordly aura.

after working a connection between a friend and yohji yamamoto, m/m starting designing posters and ad campaigns for the japanese fashion magnate. their work with yamamoto is some of my favorite and it also marked their entrance into the fashion world- an entrance that has lead to some beautiful work for designers like balenciaga and calvin klein.

whether they're working for high-profile fashion or music clients, m/m produces some of the most creative and visually innovative design out there. i highly recommend you check out their work and become better aquainted with the other parisian duo currently occupying my thoughts...

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
ICELAND'S FINEST [still from hidden place video*m/m] bjork is so phenomenal. and so is the artwork in this video...

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POP PRINCESS [vespertine album art*m/m] their work for bjork's vespertine album...

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BALENCIAGA BOYS [ad for balenciaga*m/m] more fashion...

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AMERICAN ART [calvin klein ads*m/m] bringing their parisian style to the good old usa..

Home Design Ideas and Alternative
LE QUACK [duck graphic for bjork*m/m] i loved these simple graphics they did for bjork's album...

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