
i'm exhausted

Home Design Ideas and Alternative

it's starting to get colder here in new york and my southern disposition is taking awhile to catch up. so, i'll be back on monday with fresh stories, fresh ideas and most of all fresh takes on everything i see this weekend at firstop in brooklyn. if you don't already have plans to, head over to williamsburg and check out the local talent. firstop's website has maps, times and participant info so you have no excuse! until then, i'll be catching up on some much needed sleep, checking out i heart huckabees with my favorite rock the vote-er and getting ready for next week's news. COMING UP: an interview with gourmet dishware goddess, lorena barrezueta and an exploration into the world of kirsten ulve and contemporary stationery design. have a great weekend! and if you're starved for design coverage, don't forget to check out core77, mocoloco, treehugger, designaddict, designboom and reluct.

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