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2006 is the year of the dog, and a great chance for a fresh start and new year's resolutions. i'm always curious about what everyone else plans on doing...do you have design resolutions? personal? professional? my design resolutions were posted here on msn's lifestyle blog, but, when it comes to personal resolutions, mine revolve around trying to incorporate more time spent outdoors, away from screens (tv & computer) and finding some peace and silence in what is a pretty crazy and hectic city. how about you guys? here's wishing you all a healthy and happy 2006. xo, d*s
This post was written by: beemagnet77
BeeMagnet is a professional graphic designer, web designer and business man with really strong passion that specializes in marketing strategy. Usually hangs out in Twitter has recently launched a blog dedicated to home design inspiration for designers, bride, photographers and artists called HomeBase
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