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TRULY GIFTED [gifted show*the future perfect] if you've ever read my blog you know i'm about the biggest future perfect fan there is. and NEXT FRIDAY will be the opening reception (7-10 pm) for their new "gifted" show which will showcase "orginal works from $15- $500". i'm no rockefeller, so this sort of thing is right up my alley and, i figured, some of yours as well. so, if you're in the area be sure to drop by the future perfect for what is sure to be a show full of amazing design. see you there!

the future perfect: 115 n.6th street, williamsburg brooklyn. 718-599-6278. the show is on now through january 15, so go as soon as you can! and bring a friend!

ps: i'll be going this weekend so tune in monday for more coverage of new brooklyn designs!

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